Alright, boi, let me rap it to you:
This game has the charm, much to the fire alarm, the game is an like a brother’s arm, pulling me back in a loving embrace to home sweet DS SONIC RUSH days, where I used to do my solo plays.
The music, it slays, the beats, shine, and the score finish is the bottom line of grace. All dem characters are amazing all over the place.
Yet, their are some weird delays, My vampire froze. The skull fell and rose, but the vibe and love SHOWS. But, my opponent up and goes, probably ‘cause he got 14 v 2, …. showoff.
Anyway, you a lightworker, not just a dancing lurker, but a rappin’ consoling highness, and let me just say, Bless you for bringing MJ to hint the late 80’s “Bad” ness. Who’s bad, you are, - in a good way - if that makes sense. Anyway, DErosdesri, you play. But, I bless you, and Waterflame and Jonatas, you guys rock. Hope you can improve on this already stellar hitch.
Keep the light flowing, rap programing player.