
7 Movie Reviews

Let me just say nathorz, this is peak. The use of the voice clips and the diverse animations you made for each one is remarkable. And your style is both simple and effectively cool. Also, the out of place photos like the comic book images and possibly Gun-dam bots from the series perfectly contrast with your style. And adds to the humor as well. You my fellow, have a gift. And it’s good to see that you are following your passion and doing the best that you can with what you have. My fellow being of light, you are doing all right. Just remember to take care of yourself and prioritize self care and cherished relationships of yours. ie family and friends. Pray you keep it up and do it to it. And: Keep the light flowing, Sonic Sound Engineer.

Hey Mike, or Piemations, yeah…..~ It’s good to see ya dirty (aka AWESOME work, my man), you guys definitely come a long way with this series. And I’m grateful I was able to watch this episode and the others.

To: Michiko Nacol, CruncyCrowe, and yourself: good job with the animation on this one.

Also Michiko, good job with storyboarding this masterpiece of spiritual progress of Suction Cup Man.

To Vanadium Valor: Noice backgrounds, that goes for you too Mike and Michiko. Really noice.
To: Lavender Soar - blessings to you in your musical finesse of the old days of cartooning.

Also, good job with the character designs. They really stand out a lot CrunchyCrowe.

To: CruncyCrowe and Silas McDonnell for their respective roles. Fantastic as ever. Plus Zach Fuller as Guy Business. Three awesome vas join once more in spirit. In new terms, in new ways.

But, for the story, the rising action, climax, goals, setup, and heart put into this short really.

And I wanna mention something I found interesting, not really spoilers but the conflict with Bagel and the Man of Cupping Suctions really stems from the willingness to choose to forgive and act out of kindness. After watching this one episode, I watched the others, and as they come and grow, I realized this one key thing about the series: People hate his ass. Because he is seemingly acting like one. Suction Cup Man that is. Because of his inconsideration for the people around him, and those who may just let this keep jumping further than it needs to be. e.g. When Guy Business - understandably - is telling him to stop it, the two keep at it. Because Suction Cup Man WANTS to keep at it. He chooses to fight and fight and fight with others, but by allowing him to expand his character in this short that you did:

Character growth begins: i.e. The only way for SCM to win is if he chooses to be understanding, kind, and considerate to those around him - and maybe - they might allow him to climb on a few buildings - like a missile perhaps or a laser built for destroying mankind - or a regular ol’ building to do: Just for f’n fun. Forgive my lingo.

In other words, this series has the potential not only to be funny, but to teach others how to live and embrace the love of the universe and it’s inhabitants. As beings of light, it’s all we can try to do, ‘cause we all are here: to love and be loved.

Thank you all, and once more - to everyone and Mikey - PIEMATIONS! YEAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAB!

As always, keep the light flowing, spiritual leaders of the future. May peace be with you…always.

Oh my gosh, this is: beautiful yet funny. Let me just say, ICantSeeHelp, the mouth animation is well timed with the words - stops and starts pretty well. But, that’s not even the HALF of it. The eyebrows (i.e. “I would”), the eyes, (i.e. Maid Marian asking a very concerning question about her or countless innocent others), the laughs, oh my GOSH, the laughs - let’s be honest you were having a blast doing this weren’t you - AND; the end shot of Marian’s face and the questionable sounds at the end. You definitely had fun with this, oh yes, you made this OUTLAW an INLAW. And I couldn’t be more happier, it’s fun, it’s simple, and it’s got heart, my fellow. Also, love how you used only two shots yet made them work. Good animation etiquette right there. Also, the loving shot of Maid Marian, and that low angle shot was so cheesy and Beautiful - it’s just a pure gem. Noice work, ICantSeeHelp, and I hope you can get help with that. Well, not seeing the word “help” that is. Anyway, kudos, my fellow, and: Keep the light flowing, disney character animating royal.

BLESS YOU! PringusMcDingus, after all these years, I get to see this video masterpiece of yours on Newgrounds. Who to thunk it, my man. Kudos to you and the gang for making this. Really. I’ve watched you since that Daisy Voice Bits animation of yours and the one where she does absolutely nothing - like her lover Luigi. (Ok, she reads and texts, but that doesn’t change the facts, my guy.) Really. Really, lets’ a Review. First off all, love the angles of the scenes/shots - properly referencing the OG Shadow the Hedgehog Debut Trailer for Sonic 3 - and the simplicity of the characters. For instance, the way you make the hands is simplistic YET consistent in your other projects. They seemingly show not the individual digits, but they don’t need to- you didn’t need to - that rocks. Master of simplicity all around. The fur lines and highlights on the bodies look really and appropriate for the scene. Plus, the shading as well, it captures the 3D-2d experience perfectly - and the little hair spikes on sonic and knuckles for instance showcase the illusion of fur on them - i.e. noice. Also, love how you matched tails’ “tails” going up and down to the beat of the music, well done. Plus, great job casting Jehtt - the Jehtt - and Hannah Chapin as Tails and Sonic respectively. They NAILED IT ON THE COFFIN - their argument and fourth wall breaking was comedic, feel surprised about the “Species-ist” turn their but - really, all around = GOOD PAIRING. Your Knuckles and Shadow voices are grand and tributes Keanu Reeves and Idris Alba respectively. Also, before we continue: Shoutout to MOTI and TopSpinTheFuzzy for additional animation - if they did any of the stuff I claim you are doing - please feel free to correct me - and Scweppes - the score master - and Jackson - the MICHAEL Jackson of Backgrounds. Again, kudos to ya all. Now, let’s continue. The lighting and varied sizes of the “Lighting” effect on Shadow is mesmerizing yet flowing at a quick pace - an instant, if you will. After the LOL eye roll of Shadow, of course. Anyway, the glowing red marks on shadow are subtle with the glow effect and the camera swirl from the top to bottom “C” format matches Shadow’s motion flawlessly. The spikes on Knuckles’ back and the glowing blur effect on Shadow perfectly show the impact and speed of Shadow the Hedgehog. Love the ash effect to indicate Knuckles either swooshed past ash or into it. Possibly into it. Quick change from red light to dark scribbles is an subtle nod to Shadow’s “chaos control,” while personally it also reflects his character: light red hope for humanity; dark scribbles for his dark scribbled up past; and also a quick yet effective transition. Noice. Tails expression is so funny yet appropriate and his cross eyes are funny too. Love how after Shadow nearly kicks out Tails; he looks at Sonic - EYE LEVEL. Shows how much of a grudge he may have - known or … not. Shadow’s flow is on mark with his posture and exaggerated body really show how much was put into cleaning up the animation. Better flow, grand roll. The ring effect around Shadow’s blast heightens the blast’s radius/vibration with the little detail spikes in and out of it. Really noice, along with the swirling dust animation - movement is realistic yet perfectly exaggerated. Again, JACKSON is the MICHAEL JACKSON of backgrounds - they appear glassy, cementy, and three dimensional-y and show the scale of the location compared to Sonic and Shadow. The top view shows perfect 3-D with the little shapes and lines and the cracks on the road are subtly 3D with the little sidelines in’em. NOICE. Anyway, you white/black scribble effect is perfectly timed - first upper half, then the almighty shoes. Shows the force and pulse of Shadow’s footwear - noice Nikes bruh. Again, your - or not - use of white rings and flexible light blue shapes shows the power and depth of how far Shadow is going. Again, NOICE. Also, when Shadow speaks down to Sonic, his mouth and facial expressions accurately and MATCH the emphasis on the speech. AGAIN, NOICE NOICE NOICE ….. noice. Plus, Jehtt’s cheeky “Maybe” got me like that. A smirk. In my mind. And fits with Sonic’s personality, good choice and: Good writing. The blur effect on Shadow’s face as he throws down Sonic show’s the speed perfectly and cleverly subtly hides unnecessary animation with a simple effect. ALSO, whoever did this, praise be with you, when the impact happens: Love that you have Shadow’s head emerging, BUT change it to BLACK DOOM’s and BACK to SHADOW’s to show the monstrous parallel and inner darkness of Shadow and Doom. (Or out in his case.) Small rotation of the ball and scribbles for impact really help this scene and what got was: When lighting slivers on Shadow’s face, it looks like he’s making funny smirks/smiles in mind and cheekingly thinking: Beat you dum dum, wanna tootsie pop? Love how the camera does a rotation as Shadow pulls back. Also, thought the gap in his hand was the guitar pick - could be wrong - but, if so, noice detail, my guy. Or WHOEVER DID IT. Love how the reflection of the guitar pick and the reflection of Shadow’s ring are paired with contrasting levels of brightness to provide the focal point: the pick. And without further ado: (shadow’a) SCWEPPES’ GUTIAR SOLO, and it golden. Shadow’s - the postures, the subtle frame change with the shoes, the (his) facial/body expressions, the FLIPPIN’ GUITAR MY GUY. Symbol is accurate and true to form. Noice. Now, please don’t take this as a jab at you, but more of a question: Is THIS [MOTI and TopSpinTheFuzzy] doing, ‘cause if so: HALLELUJAH BABY! If not: STILL HALLELUJAH BABY this piece rocked AWESOMELY. Nonnono… Ultimately. The foreground/background blur switch works as it hides Sonic’s expressions enough not to notice any quick frame changes. Plus Knuckles and Sonics convo was good. Great. Outstanding. AMAZING!!! Plus, their expressions are on mark, exaggerated enough, and simple to get the point across... that they lost. mmm… that sad… You know what also sad yet heartwarming: The end. SPOILERS: It’s beautiful. The music: the scenery, the “CHARACTERS” - awesome. Which leads me to this: You guys are awesome and gift finders and givers. You have the know how to make emotional, funny, and creative content and yet: you do it for all. You share your love of Sonic, Mario, anything you all want: And bring it back to us: Never second guess whether you are is worthy or not: IT IS WORTHY DANG YOU. That’s not what Shadow says, BUT, Sega won’t let him say it either so there. *Tounge Raspberry* ANY way, you guys are gifted spritual story tellers when you crave or want to be. YOU HAVE THE GIFT(s). Not only does your work matter, but ALL YOU MATTER. YOU just the way that you are. The people you made yourselves up to be: are admirable. Fun-loving. And wholesome. People. Beings of light, if you will. I said it before and I will say it once more: BLESS YOU, PringusMcDingus. Bless you, for your work and more importantly: You. And the gang as well. Remember, you can help share messages or stories with love and lessons that can help us evolve and connect with love once more. BLESS YOU, PringusMcDingus. Bless you. Wanna tissue? Here. *virtual words that lead up to TISSUE* Anyway, ketcha later one day. And, keep the light flowing. And to all yall guys, bless you too. This project would not have gotten 311K views - from where I last saw - without your support, love, and good ol’ work. Thank you, and bless you all. Also, last thing:
When all said and done, your sprite bending over both sides and leading to the quick transition of the FINAL SCENE. Noice. Need I say more… Then I already have? No, ok. Good, it took a long time to make this. But, fun nontheless. Sayonara, PringusMcDingus/HYPEHOPGROUP. MB Out.

VERY INTERESTING…. No, really, it’s spiritual in sense, theOmegaPrime1. First off, the the BLUE EXTRATERRESTRIAL is simple, effective, and quaint character with help from less shapes and the black and blue contrasting one another. IE Noice job, it looks like an alternate version of Bill Cipher. The voice fits perfectly for the host character. The zoom out from the word “VIDEO” to many tv screens scrolling down works wonder with the dialogue. In fact, the same could be said for the other instances. Like the narrator eye and video screen and the stick figures (art posture ref dolls) for the reacting and sending portions. Love the clashing yellow/purple and red/black gradients on them and just the 3D textures of the dolls in general. Plus, the brick wall texture makes the scene feel real. But, most of all, the surprising message of the viewer being interesting rather than the “why you click the video” premise feels like a subtle plot twist from the start to the end. All in all, thank YOU for your art and curiosity, theOmegaPrime1. Love be with you and guide you to a space of compassion and trust. Keep the light flowing, lightworker. Hope this review helps in any way.

Lovely. The message of peace, the somber yet hopeful tone, the voice acting, and the writing. All hopeful and shows off the Princess’s kindness and thoughtfulness. The subtly of the shade moving from Peach’s face as the cloud moves fleshes out the scene and the simple character movements already amplify the peaceful nature even more so. You have done so much with what little you had. In other words, sweet job, KidWizard, and may you feel the eternal peace and love within and without of your waking expiereince. That. Being. You, are Up (disney ref.) from bed. Keep the light flowing, Peacemaker.

What can I say, Snusolux, this scene sets up your work awesomely. First off, I can easily tell the contrast of the light and dark ones with the contrast of purple and white gradients. Plus the dark emblem looks like a little Bendy without any eyes - which scares me a little. I love the approach to the line thickness for assumingely NormenHill’s character on his cape - as well as the unique line borders on his horns and emblem. The story itself seems to be a parallel to religious vs societal expectations, which is an very bold and brave subject to cover, lightworker. My concern is that the game may encourage controversy against the idea of “connecting with the dark” as that could relate to as trusting demons as moral. Which, isn’t the christian way, but, I doubt this game is going to encourage evil practices. So, moreover, that probably isn’t the message at all; but, to allow love to guide us in forming wonderful relationships that can help us build and grow and likewise with them. I’ll tell ya, Snusolux, and you probably already know this. But, stellar start and grandiose job, my fellow. Hope that this story. This game, this ADVENTURE, can benifit everyone in all aspects of their lives. Good show and keep the light flowing, lightworker.

Just making projects that can benefit the whole. Well, the best I can.

Joined on 2/6/24

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